audio:7011; APSdigrec_1132; Recording Number: 09; Program Number: 20
"Lucy Albert speaks in Northway Athabaskan.... Frank Charley evidently paraphrases in Chistochina dialect.... Maggy Joe explains that Lucy Albert lost her cousin, the big chief, at Northway. She has just come back here to live near her two surviving relatives, - ?- and Frank Charley, her son."; Recorded at Chistochina Song Fest.
"Translation by Bill Joe. The song was composed by Frank Charley for his brother who died up Suslotna River. It was sung at a potlatch for him. It makes Frank feel good when he sing that song."; Recorded at Chistochina Song Fest.;
"This is a Tanacross song, belonging to Big Frank, a wUdjicyu man, now dead. It is a sorry song. Some one else said it was a dance song."; Recorded at Chistochina Song Fest.;
"The song was composed that afternoon, on a trip to Gulkana. Dick Ewan is the cross-cousin, sudE', of the two sisters."; Recorded at Chistochina Song Fest.;